Cohiba is one of the most famous and iconic cigar brands from Cuba, with a history that can be traced back to the 1960s. Cohiba was initially created as Fidel Castro's private cigar brand. The cigars are made using premium tobacco leaves from the Vuelta Abajo region in Cuba, which is renowned for its exceptional cigar tobacco.
Cohiba cigars are handcrafted by Cuba's finest cigar makers, using the most refined techniques, which gives them their complex and elegant flavors. Common tasting notes include wood, leather, chocolate, and coffee.
Cohiba is recognized as one of the most premium cigar brands from Cuba, and is highly revered and sought after by cigar enthusiasts around the world. Its rarity and high quality also make it a prized possession for many collectors. Cohiba is considered an icon of Cuban cigar culture and holds a prominent position in the global cigar market.